Hellpoint ps4 review
Hellpoint ps4 review

If you do find something of important like a key card or a boss it feels more like you accidentally stumbled in and now the big bad boss is looking just as confused as you are. Hellpoint’s giant ship is so packed with generic corridors and rooms that it becomes increasingly difficult to remember specific locations and routes. I’m not against complex map design that takes proper exploration and memorization, but you still need those little design cues to help guide players just a fraction, otherwise so much time is spent doing absolutely nothing of consequence. Rather, it was designed by someone who desperately wanted to work on mazes but couldn’t get the job and thus settled for making regular people’s days into a freaking nightmare.

hellpoint ps4 review

Like Dark Souls world, the giant ship Hellpoint takes place on was not designed by someone trying to make something sensible. However, the majority of your time is actually spent traipsing through boring grey corridors and trying to remember where the hell anything is. On paper Hellpoint’s marriage of Dark Souls with science fiction is downright sexy, and on occasion, Hellpoint manages to make good on the idea with a cool vista. Today, I’m taking a look at one of them: Hellpoint, from Cradle Games. And there’s no shortage of games being released that have obviously been inspired by From Software. Hard as nails combat, exploration, baffling stories and a willingness to invest a lot of time are just so of the things that have come to define Souls-like titles.

#Hellpoint ps4 review software

It’s weird to think that From Software have managed to create a whole new genre of action game, yet that’s exactly what they did with Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne and the Dark Souls trilogy.

Hellpoint ps4 review